Dolce Vita

Early walk to Playa El Roble to check out tide pools, then coffee at Soda La Plaza. Morning session at Carrillo, lunch at Mungo’s Headland, pool with ice cream, sunset again on Carrillo, arroz con camarones at La Plaza, then…


After morning walks or pathetic runs, we let the Pathfinder drive us in luxury and with Cafe Britt mochas to Barrigona beach. No sign of Mel, but Mungo manages to find a tree with fewer refugees and hangers-on than the…

Parrilla @ Carrillo

We start early, going for walks. After breakfast and swim, it’s time for the morning session at Carrillo. Lunch is on Mungo’s Sea Promontory, an incredible spot found by Mungo overlooking 2 bays. Just after 5 we head back to…

En route to Sámara

We leave at 830, setting an unbeatable record, and arrive at 1230pm for a picnic lunch at Carrillo. And we return to the spot for the first splendid beach sunset. Chile con carne follows at Lo Que Hay, a far…

Neat taken

After tennis with Diego, Mungo kindly takes me via a few dodgy French Paradox cheeses to La Sabana at midday. Richard and Louise in fine form, we sit mainly in the garden, some portraits taken with tripod, and several bottles…

Exploring Rio Navarro

Or was it Perlas? Whatever and in spectacular weather, we drive towards Paraíso and then Orosí, turning right (west?) and stopping just after Rancho Rio Perlas. We walked up to the river and up past it, before driving on upwards…


Sadly the Christmas tree decides it’s time to leave so Mungo confiscates all its fine possessions. Even the poor Inca girl is wrapped up and buried again for another year of sacrifice. Larry is caught with Babir in Baku sporting…

Chirogres and beyond

We drive through Aserrí to Tarbaca and then down towards Chirogres. After a short walk we test the car on the steep hill up to the cemetery. Closeby, on the edge of a coffee field with panoramic view, it’s picnic…