Too Neat

Another dodgy lunch, Louise and Richard trying to maintain decorum but Gato, or is it George?, lowering the tone completely. The pith helmet, recently arrived from expert Chinese hatters (Fancy Party Hats huh), made its shy debut and was thoroughly…

Loose ladies

Yes, Trude and Christina fly in on Thursday and are full of energy to discover Costa Rica. They let themselves loose! The photos below span a period, including routine health checks and Mungo’s modelling for Morocco.

Coffee fields

As Poas is hidden by clouds we take Antonia to La Paz and wander amongst the coffee. All looking dry, but the flowers are preparing their moment. Afterwards Wokapi waits to offer a good latte.

Chess and BBQ

The Park Cafe Symposium (with Franz, Erick, Richard) meets up for an afternoon of chess at the Country Club. My score 2 losses, 1 win (Franz). In the evening bbq with Eliette, Luis, Carolina and Antonia.

Playa Mantas

First time since we returned in late October from Austria. Not too many people, waveless ocean, many macaws, and perfect weather. On the way we stop at croc bridge so Antonia could see them. Some even obliged by moving. And…

Allegro troppo

As we have citas with BCR in Multiplaza at 2pm to renew driving licences, we take the opportunity to have a quick peek for stuff to wear in Morocco. Big mistake – hours later we stagger out laden with bags…

Alto de Araya

Orosí and its llamarones call, so off we drive early in the morning. It is a wonderful sunny day, so exhilarating. First stop is a walk up a random hill, from La Alegria to the church of Alto de Araya.…