New Year’s Eve 2021

Around 8 we meet at the pool and fire up the trusty barbecue. Each brings own food and drinks, except some goodies which are shared around. We are surprised by the sudden arrival of midnight heralded by thunderous fireworks from…

Bajos del Toro

We decide on a roundtrip to El Silencio, even emerging from slumbers early and setting off at the distinctly unfashionable hour (for us) of 8am. The weather is cloudless where we are going. First stop is Zarcero, where we visit…

Coffee fields

We go for a wee wander around the coffee towards University de la Paz. Roads were delightfully quiet as most have gone to the beach. As yesterday, most photos were again taken with the still-new but neglected Sony, to test…

BBQ by the pool

At 3pm Susannah storms in, followed by Eliette and Luis, and the BBQ begins despite clouds and wind. The pool tempts nobody, the BBQ does wonders with cheeky sausages, bacon-wrapped pork fillet and cucurma chicken skewers. And then a long-extinct…

Christmas Eve

A short windy walk round the block, then all the fun of Christmas. Socks, more socks, beer, self- bought biking gear, and of course the tree comes to glorious light. As for dinner, after the always delicious paté, Mungo conjures…

Cerro Coyote

An afternoon wander up this touch of wildness surrounded by suburbia and the motorway. Only a few bikers to be spotted. Meanwhile on the roads everybody chases their tail, desperate to do the last Christmas mandados.

Dam snake!

Before breakfast and before the sun hides behind clouds we amble down to the dam for an extended photo shoot. Right at the start we meet Jonas on his bike. Then shortly after Mungo, in true mongoose form, spots a…

Beyond Bebedero

Our planned beach trip was ruined by Google Maps and Waze, both screeching horrible warnings of snarlups to the coast. Nearly 2 hours to Punta Leona, can you believe that? So we swallowed our disgust and 2 coffees by heading…

Christmas tree

We head up the hill early to bag our tree before everybody heads desperately for shopping in the malls. Then all the stones in the garden are commandeered for bucket duty, so that the tree is duly supported over Christmas.…

Christmas BBQ

Quick walk round neighbours followed by visit to Escazu market for many veggies. In the evening BBQ with Luis and Eliette, Randal and Andrea. Tamalitos, ron ponche, and deadly anis-flavoured aquavit. Moonlight, but suddenly getting pretty chilly.

BBQ at Hervé’s ranch

A most enjoyable BBQ at Hervé’s property near Gúacimos. Hervé did wonders with cooking chicken, we finally drove off thoroughly stuffed. Modelo beer and white wine disappeared, and the Trooper made sure, unlike that unreliable Pathfinder, that we were not…

Gabriel Murillo

We meet at Hoppy’s, for the first time since the start of the pandemic. Gabriel in good form, kids in Barcelona, he is learning Italian and visiting Europe when not trying to sell his house or trade on the NYSE.…

Hervé & Escobal

Force myself up almost before dawn and drive to Hervé’s place near Gúacimos, arriving at 7am. Weather uncertain and windy but we bravely set off on the antique bikes for a “vuelta” to Escobal. Downhill a blast, as also following…