Beyond Bebedero

Our planned beach trip was ruined by Google Maps and Waze, both screeching horrible warnings of snarlups to the coast. Nearly 2 hours to Punta Leona, can you believe that? So we swallowed our disgust and 2 coffees by heading…

Christmas tree

We head up the hill early to bag our tree before everybody heads desperately for shopping in the malls. Then all the stones in the garden are commandeered for bucket duty, so that the tree is duly supported over Christmas.…

Christmas BBQ

Quick walk round neighbours followed by visit to Escazu market for many veggies. In the evening BBQ with Luis and Eliette, Randal and Andrea. Tamalitos, ron ponche, and deadly anis-flavoured aquavit. Moonlight, but suddenly getting pretty chilly.

BBQ at Hervé’s ranch

A most enjoyable BBQ at Hervé’s property near Gúacimos. Hervé did wonders with cooking chicken, we finally drove off thoroughly stuffed. Modelo beer and white wine disappeared, and the Trooper made sure, unlike that unreliable Pathfinder, that we were not…

Gabriel Murillo

We meet at Hoppy’s, for the first time since the start of the pandemic. Gabriel in good form, kids in Barcelona, he is learning Italian and visiting Europe when not trying to sell his house or trade on the NYSE.…

Hervé & Escobal

Force myself up almost before dawn and drive to Hervé’s place near Gúacimos, arriving at 7am. Weather uncertain and windy but we bravely set off on the antique bikes for a “vuelta” to Escobal. Downhill a blast, as also following…

Calle Pastos

Despite threatening weather we gird the Trooper and launch it towards Universidad de Paz. We park at El Rodeo and walk down to the river, returning via the even steeper Calle Pastos route. One morpho seen, several or one toucans…

The Hill & the Haas

Before breakfast we walk up the hill, checking picnic and sundown spots (sadly our main tree was ruined by progress), flowering trees, and the grazing herd. An attempt to film Paul and the bull failed due to cowardice and imminent…

El Rodeo

We head to El Rodeo, avoiding Black Friday, and Madam heads downwards whilst I briefly shoot upwards before dropping down towards Piedras Negras. And turn round well before, to struggle upwards at the pace of the slowest snail. At least…

First BBQ

After a mere year, or should I say yere, we finally assemble the last meccano BBQ and get the **ed thing going. Despite the wind not too much smoke. Great pork chops from the Sta Ana market dispatched along with…

Riotous dinner

Arrive at 6pm at Richard and Ildy’s for dinner, staggering out at 1130pm and weaving our way home past near-collisions with passing lampposts and stray cats. Too much sambuca and wine to blame!


A quiet ride up Pico Blanco, then head back for rest at San Antonio de Escazu. There prehistoric mural art noticed for the first time as no trainee jugglers distracting the eye. And then painful selfies taken, as suddenly Hervé…