4 night visit, Tuesday 6 – Sat 10th Sept, courtesy of Wizzair to Gatwick. We stay for 3 nights at a Penny flat, then 1 night at the Leatherhead Travelodge.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Penny is in her usual dogmatic form, lively as always, complaining often. We go to Cote the first evening, then she kindly makes dinner the next day. We visit Trafalgar Square twice, the second time to go to the National Gallery.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
On Friday we travel with luggage by tube and train to Leatherhead, walking to Randall’s crematorium for Jemma Tait’s funeral. Afterwards the Verkrosts host a wake in their garden. The Tait and Baring clans are of course in full attendance: Nick, Susannah, James, Christina, Henry, Poppy, Gabby, Ollie, Andy. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
In the evening Sean Kearon joins us at the Running Horse for a couple of hours. We leave by bus and train early next morning.<\/p>\n\n\n\n